Need to lose 5lbs, 25lbs, or 100lbs+?

No matter how many pounds you need to lose and what gender you are, the Fat Loss Xtreme program will help you achieve your goal.

Whether you just need to lose the last 5lbs in order to get your 6 pack or you need to lose 100lbs for your wedding or event, my advanced program is the only solution you need.

Tired of unrealistic diets that restrict you from the foods you love? Fat Loss Xtreme is the most flexible program on the market!

Don't like the idea of dieting 7 days a week? Neither do I. In the program, I will give you the exact step-by-step plan that helped me lose over 50lbs and get shredded at the age of 42 yrs old without dieting every day.

When I tell you that Fat Loss Xtreme is the most flexible and realistic diet that delivers superb results, I'm not exaggerating.

Will you have to stop eating carbs and fats? Absolutely not! Any program that recommends you omit macros like carbs and fats, is a terrible program and you should avoid it at all costs!

People always stop me at the grocery store, big box stores and the gym, asking me, "Chris, how do you do it? How do you stay so lean year round?" They're shocked when I tell them that it's all about how I eat. They think I run on the treadmill for hours.

When I tell them that I don't even do any cardio, they're shocked and flabbergasted.

Obliterate Stubborn Belly Fat

If you've tried to lose weight and burn belly fat with other diets in the past and you just couldn't succeed - you need Chris Josh's FAT LOSS XTREME program. It's the most advanced fat loss program on the market.

You'll be guided step-by-step with the exact plan on everything you need to do to shed the unwanted fat for good, while still enjoying your meals. Best of all, you won't gain all the weight back!

Learn from the comfort of your laptop, tablet or phone - at your own pace!

Feel and Look Your Best Ever!

Hello, I'm Chris Josh. I have over 27 years of dieting experience. I've tried every diet under the sun and none of them worked for me. No matter how hard I tried and no matter how disciplined I was, I couldn't ever get rid of my love handles.

The closest thing to a 6 pack I got was an unsightly 4 pack. Before using my own FAT LOSS XTREME diet, I had already given up on diets. I came to terms with the notion that I'll always have love handles and I'll never have a 6 pack.

Fast forward to when I was 42 yrs old (I'm now 44yrs old), I decided to give it one more try. This time, I was going to do things my way. This time I wasn't going to go to extremes like cutting out carbs and fat. And I wasn't going to eat just one type of food everyday.

That's when I accidentally discovered FAT LOSS XTREME.

I shed over 50lbs of fat and got shredded in my 40's. I look so much better now than when I was in my 20's. And wherever I go people ask me what's my secret. Well, I'm going to share that with you when you join the FAT LOSS XTREME program!

I finally figured out what to eat and how much protein, carbs and fats I should be consuming. Well, I stuck to my own program and got rid of my love handles once and for all. I also got a solid 6 pack!

I stand behind my program because I know it works!

Learn At Your Own Pace

You don't have to watch all the videos today. You can watch one video and come back tomorrow.

There are a total of 8 videos: the intro video + 6 modules + bonus video.

These videos were made with your busy schedule in mind. They are concise and pack all the important information. No time was wasted with filler and fluff.

Dan T.
"Thanks to Fat Loss Xtreme, I lost over 40lbs in 6 months! The diet is very flexible and easy to follow.

Best of all, my family and friends have all noticed and want to know how I did it."

Sophie N.
"I was finally able to lose my college 15 and then some. Big thank you to Chris and his Fat Loss Xtreme program.

I tried several diets before and although I lost weight, I always felt hungry and I'd gain the weight back and then some"

Max J.
"I met Chris through TikTok. Thanks to his program, I haven't looked and felt this good since high school!

The meals he suggests always kept me full and they are practical. The best part is I now have a lot more energy."

You Won't Be Eating Grass

Forget all those fad diets that restrict the foods you enjoy. With FAT LOSS XTREME, you can still eat fast food and lose the stubborn fat. After you're done with the program, you'll know everything you need to know when it comes to meal planning.

I'll teach you which proteins to eat as well as which carbs and fats to eat to turn your body into a fat burning machine. Best of all, you won't be dieting 7 days a week!

Let's Get Started Right Now!